Share your NaNoWriMo glory on Smashwords!

The countdown to the start of the 2010 NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) Competition stands at 18 days.

Have you joined yet?

Still on the fence?

Have no clue what I’m talking about?

NaNoWriMo is an annual competition from Nov. 1st – 30th that pits authors against their ability to resist procrastination and distractions by asking them to complete an entire novel (50,000 words or more) in just 30 days. I decided to dive in and join the competition earlier this week and I’m encouraging others to do the same. It’s a great way to become a part of the amazing author community on the web and to brush up on your writing skills.

Best case scenario, you get a complete novel out of 30 days’ hard work.

Worst case scenario, you get part of a novel and some great experience under your belt.

If you do decide to participate, Smashwords has teamed up with the great folks at NaNoWriMo to help you promote your new novel while it’s in production. Sign up at (it’s free) and you can publish an ebook version of your project to their special section for NaNoWriMo. Every time you add to your word count, you can upload the new version to share with others! Visit the Smashwords website for details.

Smashwords is also a great way to self-publish eBooks in general, outside the realm of NaNoWriMo. (Get ready for the shameless plug…it’s coming your way in 3…2…1…go!) My first novel, I’ll Be Home for Peacemas, is available for purchase in eBook format on Smashwords for a mere $3.99. It’s a great read to get into the holiday spirit or just to get a good laugh and brighten your day! It should be available in several of the leading eBook stores as well (if it’s not yet, check back soon!).

Okay, shameless plug concluded.

Check out Smashwords for more information on how you can share your #NaNoWriMo glory with friends and family.

Later days,

– Shannon