Peacemas does not involve pentagrams, contrary to popular belief.

Last week I posted the Peacemas Doctrine, the most official piece of paperwork to come out of Peacemas, identifying the holiday’s roots and rituals. As a central part of my novel, I’ll Be Home for Peacemas, the made-up holiday has inspired me to think more about the holidays that we celebrate and how they help us bring out the best in ourselves.

A Christmas Caveat

Something I feel like I need to express on this issue: I know there are a lot of people who get very uncomfortable when there’s no “Christ” in “Christmas” so to speak. I identify myself as Christian and have spent many Christmas Eves in a hallowed sanctuary with a glowing candle. I believe in the story of Christmas, recognize its significance as the foundation of the world’s most popular religion and would not do anything to take away from that. Peacemas is about bringing people together and celebrating what is important in our world, and I’d like to think that most people would celebrate Peacemas and Christmas (or Channukah or Kwanza or whatever your winter religious holiday might be) in harmony. So please don’t take any offense to Peacemas, it’s not meant as a disrespect to anyone’s religious views or celebrations!

Now that we’ve got THAT out the way…

The 7 Weeks of Peacemas project is meant to educate more people about Peacemas, the central holiday in my novel, I’ll Be Home for Peacemas (shameless plug in 3…2…1…) which is available for purchase in paperback and eBook format, click here to find out where you can buy a copy.

Peacemas Excerpt of the Week

If you’ve read the summary of I’ll Be Home for Peacemas you know that Bailey has quite the complicated family tree. To understand more about its roots, here’s a quick excerpt from Chapter 2:

I suppose it goes without saying that anything with roots in a lean-to wedding chapel sandwiched between an IHOP (site of the rehearsal dinner) and a bar (site of the reception) is probably destined for disaster. Unfortunately, my parents were so blinded by the powerful trio of love, rebellion, and alcohol that they failed to notice the army of red warning flags crowded into the hallowed halls of Wally’s Wedding Wonderland with them on that balmy summer night.

That’s a wrap!

If you’re still interested in learning more about Peacemas, its founder Olivia Flowers and her wild, crazy family I suggest reading an excerpt from I’ll Be Home for Peacemas. Or, you know, you could buy a copy. Just an idea! 🙂

Later days,

– Shannon

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