Thanksgiving Round-Up

Thanksgiving Round-Up
Our 2011 Thanksgiving table at my aunt’s house in Tuscaloosa!

Gobble, gobble?

More like wobble, wobble.

Half of November has passed in a blink, delivering us quite rapidly through the first part of NaNoWriMo straight to my second favorite holiday of the year: Thanksgiving. (And I promise it’s not JUST because of the delicious Southern delicacies we only get to have at Thanksgiving…that’s only 2/3 of the reason…)

This year I’m thankful not only for the week I will have to spend with my family in Alabama, but to be present for the celebration of my Papa’s 90th birthday next Tuesday.

I am so unbelievably fortunate to have had three grandparents (with him included) to make it into their 9th decade on this rapidly rotating planet. I have friends who never had a chance to get to know their grandparents, so I recognize how blessed I am to have had nearly thirty years of shared time with mine.

It has definitely shaped who I am and when we gather ’round the table this Thanksgiving, I will say a special prayer of thanks for that.

Some last minute Turkey Day ideas

If you’re hosting your family’s Thanksgiving celebration this year and in need of some great kids crafts or table decor ideas, I’ve put together a few of my favorites from around the web to give you a head start.

Thankful Tablecloth Tradition

So, I wouldn’t do this to my great-grandma’s linen tablecloth or anything, but pick up a white tablecloth at Ross and this could become an awesome family tradition. I also really like the idea of maybe just having it on the kids’ table, then there’s a record of all those who have passed through the kids’ table on their way to the big kids’ grown-up table.

Turkey Pots

These would make a great, cute centerpiece (especially for the kids’ table!) and give the kiddos something to do while the rest of the family is busy in the kitchen (or in front of the football game).

Nature-friendly Thanksgiving Centerpieces

So, I kind of love EVERY look featured on this website. The simple leaves and string on the napkins was my favorite, but the dried citrus slices on candles and vase of white mini-pumpkins tied for a very close second. This would be pretty budget-friendly, too!


Wood Plank Table Runner

ZOMG! I died a little bit when I saw this. A wood plank covered in white candles, evergreen boughs and fruit…holy cow. It’s like one-part country class and one part pirate feast. Junk Garden Girl has some other awesome ideas as well, but this really blew my mind — so simple but beautiful!

Oreo – Reese Edible Turkey Craft

Confession: I have TWO Thankgivings every year.

When I was in college, my roommates and I started a tradition of having a Thanksgiving meal together before we all went home to be with our families for the holidays. After we all moved back home, we kept up the tradition of having Tallahassee Thanksgiving together, although now we’ve added husbands and kids to the mix, too.

Last year, I made these Oreo turkeys for our Tally T-Giving get-together. I planned it to be an activity for me to do with my friend’s six year-old, but the whole group got involved and had a blast putting these together (and more importantly, eating them!).

Happy Thanksgiving!

Do you have any other Thanksgiving table ideas or crafts you’re itching to do next week? Please share with the class — I’m always looking for new things to add to my repertoire!

Hope you guys have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the heck out of every minute you have with your family and friends!