Author: Shannon



I stood motionless in the conference room watching the final launch of the space shuttle program and all I could think was… …we built that. We, as a collective group of people, put our most brilliant minds in a room and together we envisioned, planned [Read more…]

I have become one of those people.

I have become one of those people.

Not so long ago I was the girl who emphatically said, “I will never own an iPhone! Who would want their phone, iPod and camera wrapped into one device? Then if something happens to it you’re totally screwed!” So long good friend. Flash forward to [Read more…]

Pack up the kids, Hurricane University of Phoenix is headed this way!

Pack up the kids, Hurricane University of Phoenix is headed this way!

So I’m watching the news today and I see that the Atlantic coast has its first named tropical system of the season, Arlene. Now, Arlene is a perfectly suitable name for a woman of leisure with bad roots, seven teeth and nine cats who lives [Read more…]

Inspiration thy name is “Sports Night”

Inspiration thy name is “Sports Night”

  When it comes to writing, you can get inspiration from just about anywhere. I have a number of writing idols, many of whom are novelists like Carl Hiaasen, Joshilyn Jackson and Chris Bohjalian. But I also take inspiration from other types of writers who [Read more…]