Author: Shannon

11,442 words and counting.

11,442 words and counting.

Though I didn’t meet my goal of 15,000 words by the end of this weekend (which has six minutes left to its name), I still feel pretty good about my progress thus far in NaNoWriMo. How is everyone else out there doing? It’s definitely every [Read more…]

NaNoWriMo so far is…exhausting.

NaNoWriMo so far is…exhausting.

So far my NaNo experience is going okay. It would be better if I could get some decent sleep. But at any rate, I’ve managed to throw together just over 4,000 words in two days. Not too shabby. I’ve mostly been working on the last [Read more…]

NaNoWriMo kick-off surprise: Fried Pickles, the cover.

NaNoWriMo kick-off surprise: Fried Pickles, the cover.

To kick off this, the first day of NaNoWriMo, I would like to reveal the cover (designed, of course, by the one and only Toni Tesori of Duolit Publishing) of my NaNo novel, Fried Pickles. What do you guys think? (And yes, I realize the [Read more…]

And then the panic sets in.

And then the panic sets in.

It’s appropriate that today is Halloween because I feel terrified. But the source of my terror is not witches, goblins or extra calories from sugary candy–it’s NaNoWriMo. The kick off is tomorrow and somehow I already feel behind. The weeks of plotting and planning I’ve [Read more…]