Contemporary Fiction Author, Infrequent Blogger & Professional Marketer

Author: Shannon

Know your writing style and stick to it!

Know your writing style and stick to it!

As writers, one of the things we struggle with most (especially–thought not always–at the beginning of our careers) is settling into one writing style. It took me years of writing some very good and very bad pieces to realize that my natural voice is a humorous, [Read more…]

I’m still alive!

I’m still alive!

I know I have been unbelievably neglectful of my blog here at I want you to know it’s not entirely because of my laziness (though that is a factor), but more because I’m dealing with a constantly shrinking amount of free time. Like most [Read more…]

The Glossary of [True] Characters

The Glossary of [True] Characters

People ask me all the time if the colorful characters I write about are inspired by the people in my life. I politely say no (albeit with a wicked smile) and change the subject. Though I’ve never taken one person’s entire personality, changed a name [Read more…]

Past, Present, Problem

Past, Present, Problem

Though I currently have three well developed novel ideas on marinating in my brain, I’m leaning very hard toward one in particular. It’s somewhat non-traditional, so I’m not quite ready to share the details, but I’m having a major dilemma with it that I think [Read more…]