Author: Shannon

Conquering the world one online bookseller at a time…

Conquering the world one online bookseller at a time…

I’ll Be Home for Peacemas is now available on as well. For some reason they’ve got it on sale for the membership price of $10.78 so rush out and get your copy now! I’m in the process of throwing together my media kit so [Read more…]

“I’ll Be Home for Peacemas” now available on!

“I’ll Be Home for Peacemas” now available on!

I received the greatest birthday present today (aside from the warm wishes of all my family and friends) — my book is on! You can buy it here with all the benefits of Amazon including Super Saver Shipping. If you’d like to preview the [Read more…]

New website, new book, new year!

New website, new book, new year!

Hi everyone! We are (hopefully) just a few weeks away from the big re-release of “Ancient City Christmas” (now known as “I’ll Be Home for Peacemas”) on Amazon and To go along with the new book, I’m working on expanding my website (with [Read more…]

True courage requires Laffy Taffy.

True courage requires Laffy Taffy.

“I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter [Read more…]