Contemporary Fiction Author, Infrequent Blogger & Professional Marketer


Moving to Colorado: You’re on Your Own, Kid

Moving to Colorado: You’re on Your Own, Kid

“Don’t you ever wonder, if you took a left turn instead of taking a right, you could be somebody different?” DAVE MATTHEWS BAND I am in high school.  In less than a year, I’ve lost both a cousin and a classmate to tragic accidents. My [Read more…]

Dadgum Heartbroken: Memories of Bobby Bowden

Dadgum Heartbroken: Memories of Bobby Bowden

I was maybe two weeks into my internship in the Florida State University Sports Information office when one of the Graduate Assistants asked me if I could help out at football practice.  “I hate to even ask,” he said, “you’d have to stay late and [Read more…]

St. Augustine Locals Love: Supporting our Own

St. Augustine Locals Love: Supporting our Own

Life now is not what it was a month ago. As we continue to trudge our way through the uncharted waters of COVID-19, I feel helpless. I’m not a nurse or essential employee, I can’t make ventilators or PPE, and I certainly have no power [Read more…]

7 Tips for a Spooktacular DIY Halloween Village

7 Tips for a Spooktacular DIY Halloween Village

In Florida, you can’t trust the weather to let you know when it’s fall. Even when the calendar says that the autumnal equinox has passed, the thermometer in Florida is still ordering up pina coladas and scheduling beach days. In such dire circumstances, I am [Read more…]