Tag: I’ll Be Home for Peacemas

Rockin’ Around The Peacemas Tree

Rockin’ Around The Peacemas Tree

In my mind (just as it is in the mind of every author) my book will someday be made into a movie. I have a cast list (my favorites — Judge and Paula would be played by John Goodman and Dolly Parton…tell me you can’t [Read more…]

Book signing today!

Book signing today!

I felt like a kid waking up on Christmas morning today! I’ve been so blessed in life to get the chance to do so many wonderful things, and today is no exception. For the first time in my illustrious writing career (which arguably began in [Read more…]

Official Book Signing Event In Eight Days!

Official Book Signing Event In Eight Days!

It’s now official–I will be conducting my first book signing event on Saturday, December 12th at Wolf’s Head Books in downtown St. Augustine from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. It’s EXTREMELY exciting and I hope everyone who is in the neighborhood will come by! I [Read more…]