The World Keeps Spinning (With or Without Me)

**Credit to T-Pain for the blog title (terrible song, but terribly catchy).**

So did everyone enjoy celebrating my Irish homefolks’ holiday, St. Patty’s? Don’t you feel like certain holidays–like St. Patrick’s Day–should have a built in recovery day afterward that’s also observed as a national holiday? I mean really, how are you supposed to give these occassions the attention and celebration they deserve when you have to get up and go to work the next day?

Fortunately, being a member of the Bitterly Unemployed as I am, I don’t have that problem (being in the BU club does have its perks). I not only partied hardy for St. Patrick’s Day, but for my best friend Toni’s birthday yesterday and my mom’s today. Gotta love two days in a row of good times with the people you love the most and good cake with the people you love for looking the other way when you grab a second piece.

I had a chance to check out the movie version of Greg Behrendt’s “He’s Just Not That Into You”yesterday. I was a little nervous since it got some shaky reviews (especially since it costs $8 to go to a matinee these days!), but it was pretty good. Definitely a movie that EVERY and I mean EVERY woman should see. I’m not saying it should be used as a dating bible or anything, but there were some excellent points that led Toni and I to contemplate how truly jaded (and slightly insane) the female gender is. Even if you think you aren’t, trust me, you are. I’m going to pick up the book for sure.

Did anybody see American Idol this week? I admit, it’s one of my guilty pleasures. I’m extremely disappointed that Alexis was sent home, of the five chicks in this year’s Top 13, she was my favorite. Still, this season clearly belongs to the men folk. Danny, Matt, Anoop, Kris and Adam are incredibly talented and yet so diverse. It’s a good think they’ve got some good, fresh talent on that show this year too because I’ve about had it with the cheesy BS they put us through every week. The Ford commercials and the petty fights between Paula and Simon kind of make me want to scoop my eyeballs out with a spork. Just saying…

Well, best wishes for the weekend, folks! I promise I’ll have some news on “I’ll Be Home for Peacemas” next week along with a possible teaser for a new short story I’m working on.

Later days!

– Shannon