Pink Mermaid Pinspiration

Pink Mermaid Pinspiration

Everything with Killer Shine is kind of in a short-term holding pattern.

Well, almost everything.

Next week I’m going roll out my media kit for the new book, featuring an introduction to the Dawson family, a previously unreleased excerpt, AND a new book blurb that will leave you desperate for August to hurry up and get here!

But otherwise, I’m waiting to meet with my editor next week so we can do a final content edit. Until then I’m steering clear of the manuscript so when I go back to it, I’ll have fresh eyes and a fresh perspective to finish things up.

However, I do still have some Killer Shine fun to share today.

Very near the end of my writing process for this book, I was thrown completely out of “The Zone” by a sudden family tragedy. When I returned to my computer keys, I found all I could do was stare at the blinking cursor and grow increasingly frustrated at the lack of words coming to my head.

Some authors can force themselves to sit down and write every single day, but I’m not one of them.

In fact, I had a good chat with a great author friend (Lee Stephen — check out his Epic Universe series it is AMAZING) about how much the “write every day” advice doesn’t work for us. If I forced myself to sit down and write when I didn’t want to, it would only amplify my frustrations (which would in turn cause me to turn my wrath on the unsuspecting folks who live inside my novel, whom I would inevitably wipe out in one fell swoop with a sudden earthquake or something).

So instead of trying to steamroll my way back into The Zone, I decided to try something different.

Using one of my favorite social media platforms (Pinterest) I started created a visualization of all the things that reminded me of my book. I started with boards for each of my main characters and then expanded my reach to create a board for one of the primary settings of the novel — The Pink Mermaid Motel.

Once I started pinning, it was very hard to stop.

My spirits lifted, my frustration disappeared, and soon I was firmly back in The Zone.

Even better, now I have a visual way to share the influences behind the Mermaid and some of its inhabitants.

Here’s some of what you’ll see on The Pink Mermaid Motel’s Pinterest Board

I’ll be sharing more Killer Shine visuals from Pinterest soon (including boards for several of the novel’s main characters) so keep checking back for more or sign-up for my newsletter to receive updates straight to your inbox.