I’ll Be Home for Peacemas is now available on BarnesAndNoble.com as well. For some reason they’ve got it on sale for the membership price of $10.78 so rush out and get your copy now! I’m in the process of throwing together my media kit so that I can start setting up some events and things at my local bookstores, so keep an ear out for that.
In other news, it’s gearing up to be an exciting post-birthday weekend. Headed out to see Zac Brown Band tomorrow night at the St. Augustine Amphitheatre with the gang. Very exciting–they did an incredible performance of “Devil Went Down to Georgia” last night on the CMA’s so I’m hoping they might do that at the show, too.
Saturday, myself and my three college roommates are having a mini-reunion to continue a tradition we started during our sophomore year of college (it seems like eons ago) of having Thanksgiving together. We still call it Tallahassee Thanksgiving even though it’s taking place in St. Augustine this time around. Whatever the name, the point is just to enjoy each other’s company (along with the significant others and children that some of us have now) and give our thanks for the great friendship we’ve been given.
I hope everyone else has a great Friday the 13th!