Author: Shannon

Stuffed Italian Peppers (with Chicken Sausage)

Stuffed Italian Peppers (with Chicken Sausage)

Good News: My new plan to eat right in 2013 is off to a splendid start. Bad News: I’m craving Italian food like WHOA. The last few nights I’ve gone to sleep thinking about lasagna, spaghetti, ravioli, and stuffed shells. God, I used to make [Read more…]

You should be listening to The Lone Bellow

You should be listening to The Lone Bellow

Few things in life are more beautiful than true, Southern, harmonious melodies. Last February, I dragged my very pregnant best friend along with me to see The Civil Wars, prepared to be moved beyond words by the melodic charms of Joy Williams and John Paul [Read more…]

2013 Motto: Just Show Up

2013 Motto: Just Show Up

We’re almost two full weeks into 2013 and I’ve got one important question: Where the heck did 2012 go? I feel like I blinked and lost an entire year of my life. It was a good year though — a year with many changes. I [Read more…]

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

A (very short) photo essay… Christmas Eve dinner in Alabama! Bucky says Merry Christmas, too! Me with my Papa on Christmas Day — so glad we got to spend it together!