Author: Shannon

Centerpieces, table settings and candles — oh my!

Centerpieces, table settings and candles — oh my!

I’m a woman with many hobbies. This is mostly attributable to my lack of a social life and my very (very) short attention span. I go through these phases where I pillage Michael’s and Hobby Lobby for supplies only to go home and get halfway [Read more…]

An evening with The Civil Wars

An evening with The Civil Wars

Confession: I’m becoming a little bit of a folkaholic. What kind of horribly debilitating disease is that, you ask? Why it’s the kind where a person becomes unable to enjoy any other kind of music except the sweet harmonies and soulful melodies of contemporary folk music. It [Read more…]

With a flourish…

With a flourish…

It’s 2012 people. The apocalypse is drawing near–no, not the Mayan one in December, the one that’s going to rain down on all of us if Tebow somehow manages to pull out a victory against the Steelers on Sunday. If that happens, I can only [Read more…]

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a sequel!

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a sequel!

Last fall, while cruising the Caribbean with friends I got the idea for a sequel to I’ll Be Home for Christmas. At the time I was participating in my first NaNoWriMo, working on a separate (still unfinished) novel called Fried Pickles. As a result, I [Read more…]