Author: Shannon

Peacemas Review by Dale Cusack

Peacemas Review by Dale Cusack

If you’ve spent any time over at Duolit, a resource of self-published authors founded by my friend Toni and I, you know that marketing a self-pubbed book ain’t easy. Even when you know what steps to take, finding the time it takes to execute each [Read more…]

‘Tis the Season to be nauseous

‘Tis the Season to be nauseous

As we prepare to gather at the table for Thanksgiving this week, our round-the-globe Peacemas journey continues with a stop down under in the outback of Australia. While we will indulge in delicious Thanksgiving favorites, Bailey’s family in I’ll Be Home for Peacemas indulges in [Read more…]

Deck the halls with boughs of insanity.

Deck the halls with boughs of insanity.

Christmastime is fast approaching and with it, comes the spirit of Peacemas creeping around the corner. What is Peacemas all about? Read the Peacemas Doctrine for the details on his all-inclusive holiday created by one of the (craziest) characters in my novel I’ll Be Home [Read more…]



When I was a child (not just at heart but of body and mind) there were things that seemed in terms of the timeline of my life to be as far (if not farther) away as the moon. High school, college, marriage, kids–these things were [Read more…]