Author: Shannon

If you can’t make it on Saturday…

If you can’t make it on Saturday…

…then you better come out to my next official event on Thursday, Dec. 17th at the Southeast Branch of the St. Johns County Library. I’ll be there from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. doing a Q&A, possibly a reading and definitely a signing. You can [Read more…]

Official Book Signing Event In Eight Days!

Official Book Signing Event In Eight Days!

It’s now official–I will be conducting my first book signing event on Saturday, December 12th at Wolf’s Head Books in downtown St. Augustine from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. It’s EXTREMELY exciting and I hope everyone who is in the neighborhood will come by! I [Read more…]



I’m heading up to Alabama in the morning to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with my extended family there. It’s always the first step in the holiday season and I look forward to it–I don’t even mind the nine hour drive (that much)! Anyhow, here’s to [Read more…]

7 things you should know about putting up a Christmas tree

7 things you should know about putting up a Christmas tree

I know it’s not quite Thanksgiving yet…but I put up my Christmas tree tonight. My defense is simple–family tradition dictates that the Christmas tree goes up the weekend after Thanksgiving unless we are going to be out of town that weekend, in which case earlier [Read more…]