
archive of old posts

Hello? …. Anyone? … Bueller?

Hello? …. Anyone? … Bueller?

Hi, there. *Cough* Man, this thing is covered up in some serious dust. I guess it’s been a while, huh? Well, I’m happy to report that my absence is for good reasons. Life has been crazy, wonderfully, chaotically busy for me these last two years. [Read more…]

Killer Shine Book Trailer

Killer Shine Book Trailer

After a little New Year’s hiatus, it’s time for me to get back on the bandwagon and work on some new promotions for Killer Shine! I’m fired up to launch a new marketing campaign in 2014 because it gives me the opportunity to talk about [Read more…]

Just think, what a happy life we could live

Just think, what a happy life we could live

I hate Valentine’s Day. As we have all realized by now, everything about this designated day of “love” is painfully artificial. (Except the chocolates, they are delicious…) What is so egregiously insulting about this fake holiday is that *real* love is actually the antithesis of [Read more…]

For family and conecuh sausage

For family and conecuh sausage

The feeling starts not long after crossing the border, south of Dothan. Though the cotton fields are long past harvest in late November, a light dusting of leftover rebel snow is still tangled in the grassy shoulders of the road. From the car window I [Read more…]