
archive of old posts

Napoleon Buckyparte

Napoleon Buckyparte

It’s been almost a week since my roommates (that sounds better and less pathetic for a twenty-eight year-old to say than parents, right?) left on a last-minute trip to Alabama where my grandfather is recovering from a bad fall. Though of course I was upset [Read more…]

Shamrock Chips & Pot O’Gold Dip

Shamrock Chips & Pot O’Gold Dip

St Patrick’s Day Appetizer Like many Southerners, I cling to the notion that buried somewhere deep in my family’s past are some Irish roots. I’ve yet to find them (so far my paternal ancestry research has dead-ended in rural South Georgia) but I just know [Read more…]

Super Bowl Food: Mini Corn Dog Muffins

Super Bowl Food: Mini Corn Dog Muffins

As a kid, nothing in life was better than going to the fair every spring and biting into a pipping hot corn dog. Unfortunately, corn dogs are on the not-so-healthy list (What? Cornbread wrapped around a questionable, encased meat substance is not on the list [Read more…]

Life Decisions [IndiesForward]

Life Decisions [IndiesForward]

Today is a very special day. Earlier this month, I was contacted by the family of a very incredible woman named Julie Forward DeMay. Julie dreamed of becoming an author and in 2011, her wish came true. The creative writing graduate from Colorado State had [Read more…]