‘Tis the Season to be nauseous

As we prepare to gather at the table for Thanksgiving this week, our round-the-globe Peacemas journey continues with a stop down under in the outback of Australia. While we will indulge in delicious Thanksgiving favorites, Bailey’s family in I’ll Be Home for Peacemas indulges in delicacies far less appetizing during her visit to her dad’s house in Chapter 10 of the book.

Peacemas Excerpt of the Week

Slowly, I scooped a sampling of the green goop onto my plate. Surprisingly enough, the blind orphans of Malaysia were not sticklers for detail when it came to their pottery pieces. As everyone else helped themselves to dinner, I watched my own meal sluggishly slide across the sloped surface of the plate.

Eventually, I felt everyone’s eyes encouraging me to take a bite. With tremendous hesitation, I dipped the tines of my fork into the substance and brought it to my lips. The smell made my eyes water. I touched the tip of the fork to my tongue, thinking to myself that I would rather have licked Fred’s face than tasted that stuff. To my horror, it tasted almost exactly like it smelled.

“Mmm…” I said quietly.

“I told you it was good!” Olivia mused. I turned my gaze on Maylene. Certainly she would make a bigger scene than I did.

“You try it, Maylene,” I insisted.

“I ain’t never had nothing like this,” she said. To my surprise, she scooped out a healthy serving and swallowed at least half a pint of it before coming up for air. “It’s delicious!”

“Don’t forget to save room for dessert!” Olivia mentioned between bites. “I made my famous Ayers Rock cake!” My stomach churned at the mere thought. I’d forgotten about Olivia’s favorite Australia Night tradition—a massive block of vegemite sculpted to resemble Australia’s famous Ayers Rock. It’s every bit as delicious as you would expect a cake made of solidified vegetable paste to be.

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1 thought on “‘Tis the Season to be nauseous”

  • Don’t overlook lots and lots of toys — take advantage of the brand new surroundings by giving your current dog some playtime.

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