Author: Shannon

7 Summer Must-Haves for the Home

7 Summer Must-Haves for the Home

1. Old Try Screen Prints Hand printed on an old press  (a true labor of love — watch this video of what goes into each print) the amazing offerings from Old Try are simple perfection. Every design evokes a warm feeling for the Southern heart. [Read more…]



At 12:37 a.m. yesterday morning I crossed the finish line… The first FULL manuscript of Book #2 (Killer Shine) is DONE! I’m SO pumped to share this new book with you guys, I can’t even put it into words (which, I think, is probably a [Read more…]

Stormy Weather & Awesome Prologues

Stormy Weather & Awesome Prologues

Mother Nature is a funny lady. She knew I was sharing my prologue with you guys today and she decided to play a little joke on me. See, the prologue of Killer Shine is a story-within-a-story, all about my fictional paradise (Crab Island, Florida) preparing [Read more…]

Southern Summer Salad <br>(Bacon + Strawberries = Heaven)

Southern Summer Salad
(Bacon + Strawberries = Heaven)

Do you feel it? The sun’s a little brighter, the days are a little longer, and — Oh boy! — there’s a tropical storm brewing near Florida. Yep, summer must be here. I know it’s a welcomed season in the colder parts of the world, [Read more…]